Why Do Insurance Companies Deny Long-Term Disability Claims?

Johnnie Pratt

Why Do Insurance Companies Deny Long-Term Disability Claims

Having a long-term disability can be a challenge to anyone. It’s especially hard when there is little or no financial help available. Unfortunately, there are plenty of people trying to qualify for disability that do not actually need it. This is why so many claims are shot down.

The Social Security Administration will deny cases if they feel that they fall under these main categories:

Insufficient Medical Documentation

Insufficient or insufficient medical documentation is a typical reason for an insurance company to deny a claim for long-term disability. You must provide documentation of your disability and inability to work. Typically, the insurance company does not elucidate the requisite documents for a claim. In this situation, you need a mediator to help you settle the dispute and file your claim. A well-reviewed disability attorney in Melbourne FL said that this is by far the most common reason given.

You are Not “Totally Disabled”

The term “totally disabled” is used by insurance companies to deny long-term disability claims. Being disabled does not require paralysis in order to qualify for disability benefits. Due to an injury or illness, you are unable to execute numerous activities and tasks associated with your profession.

The Insurance Medical Consultant Doesn’t “Think You Are Disabled”

The insurance provider may deny your claim on the grounds that their medical consultant did not deem you disabled. However, some insurance companies employ unqualified physicians; even if they are qualified, they may lack expertise in your case. Consequently, you must consult a litigation firm for assistance in resolving this dispute.

“You Can Do Similar Work”

Sometimes an insurance company will deny your claim because you are capable of performing the duties and responsibilities of another occupation. However, the opposite is true. Once you have a doctor’s certification of your long-term disability, the insurance company cannot certify that you are suitable for other work.

The Insurance Medical Consultant Doesn’t “Think You Are Disabled”

The insurance provider may deny your claim on the grounds that their medical consultant did not deem you disabled. However, some insurance companies employ unqualified physicians; even if they are qualified, they may lack expertise in your case. Consequently, you must consult a litigation firm for assistance in resolving this dispute.

Can I File a Lawsuit Against Long-Term Disability Rejection?

The simple answer is yes. You can basically file a lawsuit against anything for any reason. The question is “should you?”.

An insurance company may reject your claims for long-term disability for one of the aforementioned reasons. Regardless of the nature of the dispute, you can defend your position by contacting a reputable law firm. With authority at your side, you can complete the disability claims process.

Occasionally, two levels of appeals are required by the policy and plan. A mediator should be consulted if you do not comprehend intricate policies. A mediator will evaluate your case and the insurance company’s policy. They can respond to the company on your behalf and guide you through the procedure due to their knowledge of the law.

Remember that the insurance company will employ numerous strategies and justifications to deny your claim. With the assistance of a professional law firm, however, you can easily win the disability dispute if you stand firm. The law firm will file a lawsuit on your behalf and defend you by gathering evidence and supporting documents.

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