Exploring Pet Insurance and Its Tax Implications

Johnnie Pratt

As a responsible pet owner, you want to ensure the best care for your furry friend, and pet insurance can be a crucial part of managing veterinary costs. But one question that often arises is, “Is pet insurance tax deductible?” Let’s delve into this query and explore the various financial […]

Escaping Timeshare Maintenance Costs

Johnnie Pratt

Whether you bought your timeshare directly from the resort or on the resale market, you’re required to pay annual maintenance fees. These expenses can grow over time, making it increasingly difficult to afford your timeshare. Learn more about Escaping Timeshare Maintenance Costs. But what if you could get out of […]

Las Vegas Probate Court

Johnnie Pratt

Usually, people file probate because they hope to be awarded the deceased’s property. An exception occurs when a person dies and no family members can be found. Probate cases are heard on Friday mornings by a probate commissioner assisted by judicial clerks. Before a hearing date is set, an initial […]