Bus Crash Lawyers

Johnnie Pratt

Bus Crash Lawyers

When you step aboard a bus, you expect it to be safe. However, bus accidents can cause serious injuries to occupants and the drivers of other vehicles.

A seasoned Atlanta Bus Crash Lawyer could help you pursue the compensation you deserve. A monetary award can help you pay medical bills, offset other expenses and make up for life-altering changes.

Getting Started

Many people rely on bus transit systems, such as MARTA, in order to get around Atlanta. While buses typically have numerous safety features and drivers are required to adhere to special regulations, unfortunately accidents do happen.

Injuries resulting from bus accidents can be extremely serious due to the size and weight of the vehicles. These injuries can cause permanent, life-changing damage. A knowledgeable attorney could help a victim file a claim and receive just financial compensation for their losses.

A lawyer will investigate the accident to determine who is liable for a crash. An investigation may involve visiting the scene of the accident, hiring experts and other steps to build a strong case. An experienced attorney also knows how to negotiate with insurance companies to achieve a fair settlement.

Collecting Evidence

Bus accidents can involve multiple parties, including the driver, a bus company operator or employer, and even the manufacturer of faulty parts. Because of this, it is crucial for a bus accident lawyer to build a strong case that proves which entities should be held responsible and for how much.

For example, in cases where the accident was caused by a negligent driver, obtaining witness statements, reviewing traffic camera footage, or inspecting the bus can help determine their liability for your injuries. In other cases, the cause of the accident may be a mechanical failure on the vehicle itself, which requires investigation and the use of experts to establish fault.

Depending on the facts of your case, you might be awarded punitive damages, which are designed to punish the defendant for particularly egregious or gross negligence. These are separate from your compensable losses and are not available in every case.

Filing a Notice of Claim

Our Atlanta bus accident lawyers will work with qualified experts to preserve evidence, determine the cause of your injuries and identify the defendant. You may be entitled to compensation for current and future medical expenses, lost wages, property damage, pain and suffering and more.

In cases involving public buses, such as those operated by MARTA, there are unique rules and deadlines that apply. These include a requirement that a notice of claim be filed and served on the entity being sued, such as the city or municipality. This must be done within a specific time period, often as little as six months after your accident. Our attorneys are familiar with these requirements and how to file them properly. They will also address any other special rules that may apply to your case.

Negotiating with the Insurance Company

Generally, bus accident cases involve multiple witnesses, insurance documents and medical records that are complex to review. Often, the defense attorneys and insurers will make comparative fault arguments that could hurt your claim. A seasoned Atlanta personal injury lawyer could handle the negotiations to get you a fair settlement.

A skilled attorney will fight to prove that you deserve every penny of the requested damages. This includes compensation for your medical expenses, property damage, lost wages, and pain and suffering.

The parties that can be held liable for a bus accident include the bus driver, the bus company, and in some cases the government entity that operates the bus. However, suing the government is challenging due to sovereign immunity and requires jumping through numerous hoops.

Going to Court

A bus accident case can involve multiple parties and complicated regulations, depending on whether the injured party is seeking compensation from a government agency or private transportation company. This can be especially challenging in Georgia because of sovereign immunity laws, which prevent some victims from recovering the full amount of their damages.

A qualified Atlanta bus accident lawyer will investigate the crash and determine which parties are responsible for your injuries. These may include the bus driver, the company that owns or operates the bus, or the manufacturer of the bus itself, if defective parts contributed to the crash.

The parties liable for your injuries can be held accountable for compensating you for your medical expenses, lost wages, and intangible losses like pain and suffering. An experienced lawyer can help you obtain the maximum settlement possible for your injuries.

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